Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Fun Has Begun

T minus 2 and counting.........My big date is coming up! I cannot even believe that this week is here already. I picked up my mom from the airport on Monday and immediately regressed to my 'I need my mom to take care of me stage'.  It has been going rather well and I am quite enjoying it...and I'm pretty sure she is too. It  is sure going to be hard acting like an adult again once this is all over (not that I ever really grew up anyways). 

Today started our adventure of getting ready for my big date!  It began with an MRI at 6:15 am.  I got to wear a lovely "3-armed gown",  modeled below. It was sure confusing to figure out how to put on, but quite a good idea once you get it on right...keeps ya from flappin' in the breeze.  The MRI went well. I only fell asleep and jerked awake once, which meant they had to re-do the scan because I moved. This of course happened after they came and injected some dye and told me that I was doing a great job at holding still. I was so proud of myself and then I went and messed it all up.

After the MRI, we took a quick trip across the street so they could take some blood. Then it was back to the Gonda Building for my TEE. I was not at all nervous this time, thanks to the great sedation the first time. I was informed that the doctor who performed the first TEE was known for his generous use of sedatives.  I was not as heavily sedated this time and do remember a few points where I could feel the tube moving around in my throat and I remember when they pulled it out.  However, it was still not bad. If the throat numbing goo wasn't so gross I'd get TEE's all the time ;-)

I was a bit tired and tipsy after that procedure and got to spend some time touring around in a wheelchair. I  could finally eat so we grabbed some frozen yogurt and headed to our next appointment. We met with an infectious disease doctor who basically gave us the ok from his standpoint for surgery. I got to wear another beautiful gown, but it's actually very similar to what I am wearing for my date on Friday so I don't want to give it away.

The rest of the day flew by! I ate a delicious meal fixed by my very favorite mother! I also got to make some greeting cards, which was a blast! The only good nap I got was during the TEE, which doesn't even count because I can't really remember.

Tomorrow we meet with the Cardiologist and Cardiac Surgeon. Hopefully after those 2 appointments I will have a factual idea of how this whole deal is going down. I have the scenario I've been playing out in my head for weeks, but there is always that slim chance I could be wrong. 

Friday is going to be here before I know it. This date is kind of a big deal, so I am getting a little bit restless. I am still a little shocked that I am so OK with the fact that I am having open heart surgery, but I'll take what I can and I am very grateful to feel such peace with all that is going on.

Thanks again to all my family and friends who have sent packages and cards! They mean so much to me and I am grateful for all of you and your thoughts and prayers. A special thanks to my stellar roommate who has done and continues to do so much for me and my family through all of this!  As a most wonderful friend would say, I am a lucky duck (soon to be pig).

1 comment:

  1. Whitney, you crack me up! I love that you fell asleep during the MRI (unfortunately, I could see myself doing the same;)!!! Stay strong, cutie, and good luck with the next stages/tests/appointments/and your big DATE!!!!! My thoughts, prayers and love sent your way!!!
    p.s. I admire your attitude and faith! You are an amazing girl!
