Well.....I'm not too savvy with this blog bidness...thanks to my sweet lil sis who set this all up for me. I never thought I'd start a blog but given the events of this last week, now seems like a good time.
Alright, here is the scoop........
For the past few weeks I've been feeling kind of crummy and off-ish. I've been so exhausted and when I wasn't at work I was sleeping. One day of working out would take me out of commission for a week. I was having fevers, night sweats, and just didn't feel right. Despite this, I wasn't wanting to see a doctor. With the encouragement of my roommate I got an appointment. I'd had the appointment to see my doctor for a few weeks but I just kept feeling worse and worse and my appointment was still a week away. On Tuesday the 6th I called and tried to get another appointment that was sooner and with any provider. They said all the appointments were full. Thank goodness I had an amazing roommate, Ashley Langford, who called the nurses line for me (which she had been wanting to do for weeks and I wouldn't let her) and because of my symptoms was able to get me in to be seen the next day.
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Nothing like a huge blue mask to make you feel like a freak |
On Wednesday morning Ashley (my MN mom) and I set off to the doctors office. I still didn't feel well, but was skeptical about them even being able to find something wrong. I told them my symptoms (which provided me the opportunity to wear the beautiful mask pictured above), they did their exam, and I was sent downstairs to get STAT labs, an EKG, and chest x-ray. After these tests, I went back to see the doctor. She had another colleague come in and listen to my heart and after a short 'discussion' in the hall they came back and told me I had been scheduled for an echo and to hurry to get that test complete and come back to see her. Ashley and I headed to the echo where we waited oh so patiently. After the echo we headed back to see my doctor, but we stopped and bought a giant cookie on the way back because the day was turning out to be much longer than expected. When we got back to see the doctor she came in and told me that the echo showed severe endocarditis and that she was having me admitted to the hospital. That was quite the shock...I wasn't sure what to think, so I just cried instead. Ashley and I headed to St. Mary's hospital where I was admitted to the cardiac floor. Ashley, my little angel, called my mom and told her what was going on while I continued to cry and try and wrap my head around what was happening.
I got up to my room, put on my glorious hospital gown, and was quickly met by a member of the cardiology team, followed by the infectious disease doctors, and explained to all of them over and over what had been going on that brought me to the hospital. While all of this was going on, Ashley had been in touch with people from the ward to come and give me a blessing and to sit with me while she went home to get some stuff for my unanticipated hospital stay. The wonderful cardiologist came to talk to me and offered to call my mom and explain to her what was going on and I am so glad he did. She was able to switch her flight (because she was coming to see me in a week anyways) and she would be there the next night. In between all of this they drew blood cultures, attempted to put in IV's and finally succeeded, started antibiotics, drew more blood cultures, and let me go to bed. Ashley stayed the first night in the hospital with me, I'm sure she didn't get much sleep at all. We were up 3 times changing my gown and sheets due to night sweats and lab came bright and early to take more blood.
Thursday morning came and the fun started all over again. Plenty of doctors and their teams were in to see me, ask me questions, and try to figure out where this all began. At some point close to noon, I was taken to have a TEE or transesophageal echo...where they look at your heart through your throat. I saw one once in nursing school and although the patient was quite sedated, it looked like a miserable experience. I was quite scared and not looking forward to having one. Lets just say that I am very thankful for medicine, especially versed and fentanyl because I don't remember a thing, except for having to swallow the nasty, bitter throat numbing stuff. I came back from the TEE quite gorked and took a nice nap. Upon waking from my nap I was visited by a billion more doctors. When one would leave and another would come in. I also met with a cardiac surgeon who laid out my options of what could be done. He said there was a small chance of mitral valve repair, but based on the echos, I would most likely need a replacement. I knew in the back of my mind what that meant, but couldn't say it so I asked the surgeon questions until I heard what I was waiting to hear... that it would require open heart surgery. That fact got added to the list of things I was unwilling to think about at the moment. Later in the afternoon Dani (my friend from church) and Ashley came to see me and brought Sudoku, word searches, and an awesome blanket. Ashley had to go to work, but Dani stayed with me until Sue Kendrick (the R.S. president) came with my mom! I was so excited to see her! I had been missing her a lot and was sure glad that she was able to change her flight and come early. I know how to get my family to come visit....even if I am a bit dramatic about it all. My mom and I hugged and cried! Nothing beats a hug from your mom! Not only did I get to see my mom, but she brought me a wonderful Toy Story bag, filled with the most wonderful things from a most wonderful friend! Thank you Elaine for the crayons, coloring books, treats, and movie! I've said it once and I'll keep saying it...You are the best!!!!!
Friday I had an MRI/MRA, more visits from doctors, and I cannot even remember what else...the whole week is really quite a blur. Saturday was by far the roughest day. I was nauseated and not feeling well at all. I guess I looked pretty bad too...My hemoglobin levels were trending downward and if Sunday's labs continued to show that trend I would have earned myself some RBC's. Sunday came and that's exactly what I got...2 Units of PRBC's, a new IV, and a PICC line! Like the TEE, I was not looking forward to getting a PICC...I told the doctors this and they kindly dosed me up with some ativan! I guess it worked because getting the PICC wasn't bad at all. After all of this was complete I felt so much better! I had so much more energy and just felt like a new person! Sunday night, my calf started to hurt... because of the pain and slight swelling, I got myself a STAT ultrasound of my leg. Luckily, it didn't show any problems.
Monday came and I had an ultrasound of my kidneys d/t blood and protein in my urine. Then I had an MRI of my leg because of the pain in my thigh and calf. They thought they might find an abscess or infection, but it was just inflamed and they don't know why.
Tuesday was a very lazy day....just laid around. No tests, no procedures. Just visits from doctors, naps, and entertaining myself. Wednesday was the day I was finally able to bust out of the hospital. After a week of wearing a beautiful gown, being hooked to a cardiac monitor (affectionately named Joey), and having just about as much fun is possible while in a hospital, I was able to go home!
I've been home for a day and a half now and life is grand! I feel so much better now that I am out of the hospital. Yes, I am still tired and my heart is still not functioning properly, but I can sleep in my own bed, wear my own clothes, and do what I want to do whenever I want to.
I will be giving myself antibiotics in my PICC line until December 6th. I meet with the cardiac surgeon on the 5th and will hopefully have surgery within a few days of that.
This has all been quite the unexpected adventure in my life. While I think I should feel more stressed about it all, I feel so OK about all that is happening. I am being watched over. Everything worked out too perfectly to be anything but God's plan for me. I am doing well and although there are going to be some rough days ahead I know that everything is going to turn out for the best!
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and support! I couldn't make it through this with out the love of my family and friends!
Beautiful flowers from the Laulusa family! |
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Using a lil Quease Ease for the nausea |
Getting PICC'd |
An IV pole dance.... |
Gloria, my PICC line |
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Me and Wilbur, the sweet pig who is giving me his heart valve ....and bacon once I'm off this low sodium diet! |
Whitney- You are amazing! I know you will get through this. Good luck and stay strong :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing, Whitney. I'm glad you're documenting this.
ReplyDeleteWe have thought of you constantly and have fasted and prayed for you.
Love you, little cousin!
Love your humor in all of this! I am so glad that you are home. You are in our prayers, although my kids mostly say "bless Jone's daughter". Take care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteWhitney- You are amazing! Thanks for keeping a blog, I bet you'd be surprised (is that spelled right? I'm in the middle of a night shift...) how many people want to know how you are doing! We are praying for you!
ReplyDeleteWhit- you make laugh and cry at the same time! You are so strong! I'm with you- just give us some versed or ativan so we can forget or just chill out! I've been so worried about you! Cory, Morg, and Mylee ask me every day how you are doing! I will say- the girls were quite disturbed when I told them about the valve coming from a pig! I'm glad you're home feeling better! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! We love and miss you. You are continually in our thoughts and prayers!