Its the weirdest thing, just over one week ago I was heading into St. Mary's hospital to have open heart surgery. Now I am sitting at home (in MN) on my comfy couch trying to decide if it really happened. I feel great. Yes, I am still a bit sore, tire out easily, and take more pills than (and some of the same pills as) my grandma, but I surely don't feel like I had open heart surgery a week ago. One day I am sending pictures home showing my family how happy I am after finishing up my first shift on my own as an RN. I couldn't in my wildest imaginings have pictured myself on the flip side of things only 5 days later.
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After my first official shift on my own as an RN |
The night before my big date I decided to celebrate....with trip to Walmart (high class eh?), and dinner at Olive Garden. Ashley was able to get off work and come with us which was super great! Olive Garden was amazing! I had been on a low sodium diet and decided that with surgery being so close, I was willing to risk a few hours of heart failure for delicious bowl (or 2) of soup and lots and lots of salad and bread sticks.
My last dose of antibiotics |
Increasing my movie collection |
Olive Garden! Yummy! |
Fun stuff! |
They brought us to a room where my beautiful gown was waiting. They even had a nice robe too, to protect the innocent bystanders. A nurse came, asked all the admission questions and took my vital signs. Shortly after that my buddy Tad from the pre-op area came to get me. I said goodbye to my mom, dad, and Ashley and headed off for my big adventure. When we got to the pre-op area things started to hit me more than they ever had. I got on the stretcher, they covered me up with lots of warm blankets and a 'Bair Hugger' (only heart surgery patients get those while they are still awake! woot woot!). While I was laying there my heart started to pound pretty hard and it hit me for a second that oh my gosh I am having open heart surgery. Then the ativan they had given me earlier started to kick in and everything was just fine. It wasn't long before they were wheeling me to the OR, 605 if I am remembering right. The anesthesiologist asked me if I was a mormon girl as we were heading out of pre-op. I answered yes and as we pulled into the OR he commented 'This is the place'. Not sure if it was coincidence or not..haha! As I was taken into the OR the experience I'd played out in my head so many times became reality. They took my robe, I moved over to the creepy lil operating table and they got to work taking my BP, strapping me in, prepping my arm for an Art-line, etc. Luckily I still had my PICC line so they didn't even have to poke me while I was awake. I remember them putting the oxygen mask on me and telling me to take nice deep breaths and I remember nothing after that. I have a pretty good idea of what when down though. I went to sleep. They stuck in an Art-line and IV. They intubated me, taped my eyes shut, put in a catheter, scrubbed me up with iodine, covered me with sterile drapes, and proceeded to cut me open and crack my chest. I would be really interested to watch an open heart surgery now. It is everything that happens after they crack me open that makes heart surgery seem so scary, but I slept through it all so maybe that why this will never hit me.
After surgery I went straight to the ICU, still sedated and intubated. I was hoping I would have some memory of what it was like to be on a ventilator, but I don't remember anything like that. I've got a few pictures and some video of it though. I do remember the nurse telling me to hug my pillow and cough and I remember itching like crazy! My mom did a great job at scratching my back, arms, legs, and bum...yup, pretty sure I asked her to scratch it, and she did :) isn't she great?
Sleeping Beauty (the sleeping part is true) |
My happy button! |
It always feels amazing to shower in the hospital. Not that the have wonderful showers or anything, but you always feel so gross and grimy and nothing beats that clean feeling a shower can bring.
The rest of my hospital stay was spent going on walks, napping, and watching movies. I could have gone home on Monday if it wasn't for my INR. I will be on coumadin for 3 months and it was taking a long time for it to get to a theraputic level so they kept me in the hospital on IV herparin until they got it all figured out.
I got to go home on Wednesday which was fantastic. I surely don't feel like I had heart surgery a week ago and don't think many people would believe I did have heart surgery a week ago if they saw me and didn't already know.
Before and after x-rays |
In just a few days I get to head back to Utah and I am super excited. 2 1/2 months off work, Thanksgiving and Christmas off, and a month back home are only a few of the great things that have come from all of this. Not to mention I still have a great job with a whole new perspective and increased empathy for what patients go through.
Who knows what life will bring my way next? Whatever it is, I am sure it is nothing I could even begin to imagine. For now, though, I will just try and recover from life's latest adventure.